Objective: To assess whether there is a relationship between the prescription of antibiotics and the performance of complementary tests with frequency of use and loyalty in Primary Care.
Methods: Analytical descriptive study performed through a network of Primary Care sentinel paediatricians (PAPenRed). Each paediatrician reviewed the spontaneous visits (in Primary Care and in Emergency Departments) of 15 patients for 12 months, randomly chosen from their quota. The prescription of antibiotics and the complementary tests performed on these patients were also collected.
Results: A total of 212 paediatricians took part and reviewed 2,726 patients. It was found that 8.3% were moderate over-users (mean + 1-2 standard deviations) and 5.2% extreme over-users (mean + 2 standard deviations). Almost half (49.6%) were high-loyalty patients (more than 75% of visits with their doctor). The incidence ratio of antibiotic prescriptions for moderate over-users was 2.13 (1.74-2.62) and 3.25 (2.55-4.13) for extreme over-users, compared to non-over-user children. The incidence ratio for the diagnostic tests were 2.25 (1.86-2.73) and 3.48 (2.78-4.35), respectively. The incidence ratios for antibiotic prescription were 1.34 (1.16-1.55) in patients with medium-high loyalty, 1.45 (1.15-1.83) for medium-low loyalty, and 1.08 (0.81-1.44) for those with low loyalty, compared to patients with high loyalty. The incidence ratios to perform diagnostic tests were 1.46 (1.27-1.67); 1.60 (1.28 - 2.00), and 0.84 (0.63-1.12), respectively.
Conclusions: Antibiotics prescription and complementary tests were significantly related to medical overuse. They were also related to loyalty, but less significantly.
Keywords: Agentes antibacterianos; Anti-bacterial agents; Atención Primaria; Diagnostic techniques and procedures; Hiperfrecuentación; Medical overuse; Medication use; Paediatrics; Pediatría; Primary Health Care; Técnicas diagnósticas; Uso de medicamentos.
Copyright © 2017 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.