Diagnosis of death by electrocution may be difficult when electric marking is not visible or unclear. Accordingly, the body of a man who appeared to have died from accidental electrocution was carefully forensically analysed. Macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the current mark was carried out using a variable-pressure scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray microanalyser to highlight skin metallisation, indicating the presence of iron and zinc. The histological findings of electrocution myocardial damage were supported by the results of biochemical analysis which demonstrated the creatine kinase-MB and cardiac troponin I elevation. The effects of electric current flow were also highlighted by perforations of endothelial surface of a pulmonary artery using scanning electron microscope, and all the results were analysed by the main tools suggested in the literature.
Keywords: Electrocution death; biochemical analysis; endothelial perforation; energy dispersive X-ray analysis; metallisation; scanning electron microscope.