Objective: To evaluate the mental health of occupational females in different industries. Methods: We investigated the psychologic status of Chinese occupational females using symptom checklist 90. And statistical software was applied to analyze results of symptom checklist 90. Results: There were 41, 166 effec-tive questionnaires. The number of positive questionnaires was 14 361, and the positive rate was 34.89%. The positive rate of obsessive-compulsive factor was 24.07%. The positive rate of somatization factor was 16.12%. The positive rate of depression was 15.50%. The median positive item number was 20 (IQR: 34) , and the median split of positive symptoms was 2.11 (IQR: 0.37) . There were differences in the positive rate of SCL-90 scale among different age groups, different regions and different industries, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) . The positive rate of SCL-90 for the occupational females was 34.89%. The top three factors of the high-est positive SCL-90 were obsessive-compulsive symptoms, somatization and depression. Conclusion: There were differences in the psychological status of occupational females for different regions, different ages and different occupations.
目的: 了解我国不同区域、不同行业职业女性的心理健康状况。 方法: 采用横断面调查研究方法,于2016年3月至10月用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对全国24个省/直辖市/自治区10个行业的职业女性进行心理健康状况调查,调查内容包括一般资料、职业情况和SCL-90量表等。对调查数据进行统计分析。 结果: 回收有效症状自评量表问卷41 166份,其中阳性问卷14 361份,阳性率34.89%。总分阳性率16.98%,强迫症状因子阳性率24.07%,躯体化因子阳性率16.12%,抑郁因子阳性率15.50%。阳性项目数中位数为20(IQR:34),阳性症状均分中位数为2.11(IQR:0.37)。不同年龄组、不同区域及不同行业女职工的SCL-90量表阳性率存在差异,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。调查职业女性SCL-90总阳性率为34.89%,SCL-90因子阳性率最高的前3位因子是强迫症状、躯体化和抑郁倾向。 结论: 不同地区、不同年龄和不同行业职业女性的心理健康问题发生率存在差异。所调查行业中,金融行业、石油化工行业、医药卫生行业的职业女性心理健康问题发生率较高,值得重点关注。.
Keywords: Data colletion; Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90); Women working.