The patient was a 61-year-old woman with a history of treatment for breast cancer. She had undergone left breast-conserving surgery and axillary lymph node dissection followed by radiation therapy for left breast cancer when she was 43 years old and later presented to our hospital with a chief complaint of a left breast ulcer with a messy exudate. Core needle biopsy (CNB)from the ulcer showed no malignancy. PET-CT showed low FDG uptake at the left breast and high FDG uptake at a contralateral axillary lymph node. CNB of a contralateral axillary lymph node showed metastasis of breast cancer. She underwent left mastectomy and right axillary lymph node dissection for local control. Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence in the left breast and contralateral axillary metastases were identified in the final pathological findings. The patient was treated with FEC 100 and tri-weekly docetaxel and has been recurrence-free for 2 years after surgery.