Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty in children - long-term outcomes, how long follow up is necessary?

Cent European J Urol. 2017;70(4):434-438. doi: 10.5173/ceju.2017.1431. Epub 2017 Sep 9.


Introduction: Pyeloplasty is commonly conducted in children with uretero-pelvic junction obstruction. Standard post-operational procedure involves only a short period of time after the surgery. What is the real number of complications, including those in the long-term? What is the function of the operated kidney?The aims of this study are to assess the effectiveness of pyeloplasty and to assess the suitability of conducting long term follow-up after pyeloplasty.

Material and methods: 35 of 137 patients after open pyeloplasty between 1992-2006 responded to the invitation and returned for a control appointment. The median age was 8 years (range 1 month - 19 years). In 26 kidney units the disease proceeded with symptoms and in 10 cases it proceeded without symptoms. The predominant symptom was abdominal pain (n = 21). In each child both the control ultrasound and the diuretic renal scintigraphy of the kidneys were conducted.

Results: Regression of symptoms after the operation was obtained in 19 kidney units (73%). Improvement in scintigraphy was observed in 23 kidney units (82.1%), improvement in ultrasound was obtained in 32 (91%) kidney units. Complications which required surgical intervention occurred in 4 (11.1%) patients. One patient required operative removal of a pyelostomy tube, 2 patients (11.1%) required repeated pyleoplasty (23 and 27 months after the operation), one child required nephrectomy due to nephrogenic arterial hypertension (after 4 years).

Conclusions: Statistically, there are improvements of scintigraphic function of the kidney, improvements in ultrasound examinations, and the remission of symptoms after pyeoplasty. Most complications occur within 2 years after the surgery. Long-term follow up should be continued.

Keywords: Anderson-Hynes; long term follow up; pediatric pyeloplasty; pyeloplasty; uretero-pelvic junction obstruction.