Calcium bodies are internal epithelial sacs found in terrestrial isopods of the family Trichoniscidae that contain a mineralized extracellular matrix that is deposited and resorbed in relation to the molt cycle. Calcium bodies in several trichoniscids are filled with bacteria, the function of which is currently unknown. The woodlouse Hyloniscus riparius differs from other trichoniscids in that it possesses two different pairs of calcium bodies, the posterior pair being filled with bacteria and the anterior pair being devoid of bacteria. We explored the development of these organs and bacterial colonization of their lumen during the postmarsupial development with the use of optical clearing and whole-body confocal imaging of larval and juvenile stages. Our results show that calcium bodies are formed as invaginations of the epidermis in the region of intersegmental membranes during the postmarsupial development. The anterior pair of calcium bodies is generated during the first postmarsupial manca stage, whereas the posterior calcium bodies first appear in juveniles and are immediately colonized by bacteria, likely through a connection between the calcium body lumen and the body surface. Mineral is deposited in calcium bodies as soon as they are present.
Keywords: Bacteria; Calcium phosphate; Confocal microscopy; Tissue clearing; Trichoniscidae; Woodlice.
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