Eukaryotic mRNA metabolism regulates its stability, localization, and translation using complementarity with counter-part RNAs. To modulate their stability, small and long noncoding RNAs can establish complementarity with their target mRNAs. Although complementarity of small interfering RNAs and microRNAs with target mRNAs has been studied thoroughly, partial complementarity of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) with their target mRNAs has not been investigated clearly. To address that research gap, our lab investigated whether the sequence complementarity of two lncRNAs, lincRNA-p21 and OIP5-AS1, influenced the quantity of target RNA expression. We predicted a positive correlation between lncRNA complementarity and target mRNA quantity. We confirmed this prediction using RNA affinity pull down, microarray, and RNA-sequencing analysis. In addition, we utilized the information from this analysis to compare the quantity of target mRNAs when two lncRNAs, lincRNA-p21 and OIP5-AS1, are depleted by siRNAs. We observed that human and mouse lincRNA-p21 regulated target mRNA abundance in complementarity-dependent and independent manners. In contrast, affinity pull down of OIP5-AS1 revealed that changes in OIP5-AS1 expression influenced the amount of some OIP5-AS1 target mRNAs and miRNAs, as we predicted from our sequence complementarity assay. Altogether, the current study demonstrates that partial complementarity of lncRNAs and mRNAs (even miRNAs) assist in determining target RNA expression and quantity.
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