Objective: To evaluate the role of new strategy in the transmission control of schistosomiasis in Poyang Lake region.
Methods: The information and epidemic data of schistosomiasis control were collected and analyzed in Poyang Lake region from 2005 to 2016.
Results: After eleven years of carrying out the new strategy, thirteen counties achieved the objective of transmission control in Poyang Lake region. In 2016, the number of schistosomiasis cases and human infection rate were 10 301 and 0.03%, decreased by 89.64% and 99.45% compared with those in 2005, respectively. The number of cattle and schistosome -infected cattle were 68 152 and 5, decreased by 50.84% and 99.83% compared with those in 2005, respectively. The average density of Oncomelania hupensis snails was decreased by 61.52%. No schistosome-infected snails were found since 2014.
Conclusions: The new strategy accurately locates the key points and targets of schistosomiasis transmission chain, which has controlled the human and animal's fecal eggs from polluting grassland, and cut off the transmission chain, reduced both the infection rates of human and animal and the re-infection risk, and promoted to achieve the target of schistosomiasis transmission control in Poyang Lake region.
[摘要]目的 评估血防新策略在血吸虫病传播控制中的作用, 为实施血防“十三五”规划提供依据。 方法 收集 2005–2016年血吸虫病防治资料及疫情资料, 分析和评估血防新策略在鄱阳湖区血吸虫病传播控制中的作用。 结果 鄱阳湖区实施血防新策略11年后, 全区域13个血吸虫病流行县实现传播控制目标。 2016年, 区域内血吸虫病人数和人群感染率分别为10 301人和0.03%, 较2005年下降了89.64%和99.45%, 急性血吸虫感染病例和渔船民感染率明显下降; 存栏耕牛数和病牛数分别为68 152头和5头, 较2005年下降了50.84%和99.83%。 活螺平均密度下降了61.52%, 2014年以后连续3年未查到感染性钉螺。 结论 血防新策略精准定位了血吸虫病传播链的关键点和靶点, 控制了人畜粪便虫卵污染草洲, 切断了传播链, 降低了鄱阳湖区人畜感染率和再感染风险, 推动鄱阳湖区实现血吸虫病传播控制目标。.
Keywords: Infectious resource; Poyang Lake; Schistosomiasis; Strategy; Transmission control.