Worldwide, chronic wounds are still a major and increasing problem area in medicine with protracted suffering of patients and enormous costs. Beside conventional wound treatment, for instance kinds of oxygen therapy and cold plasma technology have been tested, providing an improvement in the perfusion of wounds and their healing potential, but these methods are unfortunately not sufficiently validated and accepted for clinical practice to date. Using hyperspectral imaging technology in the visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) region with high spectral and spatial resolution, perfusion parameters of tissue and wounds can be determined. We present a new compact hyperspectral camera which can be used in clinical practice. From hyperspectral data the hemoglobin oxygenation (StO2), the relative concentration of hemoglobin [tissue hemoglobin index (THI)] and the so-called NIR-perfusion index can be determined. The first two parameters are calculated from the VIS-part of the spectrum and represent the perfusion of superficial tissue layers, whereas the NIR-perfusion index is calculated from the NIR-part representing the perfusion in deeper layers. First clinical measurements of transplanted flaps and chronic ulcer wounds show, that the perfusion level can be determined quantitatively allowing sensitive evaluation and monitoring for an optimization of the wound treatment planning and for validation of new treatment methods.
Keywords: free flap monitoring; hyperspectral imaging; perfusion imaging; tissue oxygenation; wound diagnostics.