Silicon photonic 8 × 8 cyclic Arrayed Waveguide Grating Router for O-band on-chip communication

Opt Express. 2018 Mar 5;26(5):6276-6284. doi: 10.1364/OE.26.006276.


We report an 8 × 8 silicon photonic integrated Arrayed Waveguide Grating Router (AWGR) targeted for WDM routing applications in O-band. The AWGR was designed for cyclic-frequency operation with a channel spacing of 10 nm. The fabricated AWGR exhibits a compact footprint of 700 × 270 μm2. Static device characterization revealed 3.545 dB maximum channel loss non-uniformity with 2.5 dB best-case channel insertion losses and 11 dB channel crosstalk, in good agreement with the simulated results. Successful data routing operation is demonstrated with 25 Gb/s signals for all 8 × 8 AWGR port combinations with a maximum power penalty of 2.45 dB.