Liver transplantation (LT) is a successful treatment for both acute liver failure and end-stage liver disease. The number of women of reproductive age undergoing LT is increasing. Pregnancy outcomes are favorable, but there is still a lack of prognostic markers. We aimed to identify factors predictive of adverse pregnancy outcomes in LT recipients. An analysis of all pregnancies occurring in LT recipients from 1989 to 2016 at King's College Hospital was performed. Clinical data of 162 conceptions in 93 women were reviewed. Descriptive and regression analyses were done to examine associations between laboratory markers and hepatological scores with pregnancy outcomes of live birth and preterm birth. Median age at LT was 23 years (range, 1-41 years), with a median age at conception of 30 years (range, 18-47 years). The live birth rate was 75% (n = 121). Of live births, 35% (n = 39/110 available) were delivered preterm. Preconception creatinine levels were higher in patients who had a preterm birth (85 versus 74 μmol/L; P = 0.008), with a preconception estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <90 mL/minute significantly associated with preterm delivery (P = 0.04). Progressive decline in eGFR predicted outcome, with gestational length declining with increasing chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage: CKD 0-1 = 39 weeks (median), CKD 2 = 37 weeks, and CKD 3 = 35 weeks. The risk of preterm birth was greatest in women with an eGFR <60 mL/minute (P = 0.004). Moreover, hypertension-related complications during pregnancy, such as gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, or eclampsia, were also associated with prematurity (P = 0.01). Women taking steroid-based immunosuppression had an increased risk of infection during pregnancy or postpartum (15% versus 4%; P = 0.02). In conclusion, although the majority of women have a successful pregnancy outcome after LT, preconception renal function predicts pregnancy outcome and steroids increase risk of infection during pregnancy or postpartum. Liver Transplantation 24 606-615 2018 AASLD.
© 2018 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.