The results of 6 years of neonatal transport to the neonatology unit of the Hautepierre hospital (January, 1980 to December, 1985) are reported. During that period 1866 neonates were transferred from maternities of Strasbourg and its region to the neonatology unit, representing 23.77% of total admissions. The 350 premature babies born before or at 32 weeks of pregnancy amount to 55% of babies born at the same gestational age. Mortality in that group (46.52%) was associated mainly with hyaline membrane disease and intraventricular haemorrhage. Neonatal infections and congenital malformations were seen in children born after 32 weeks. To improve the quality of transport and reduce morbidity and mortality, the biological and haemodynamic parameters of the neonates should be stabilized prior to their transfer, and all the necessary precautions (i.e. ventilation, oxygenation, temperature, glycaemia, asepsis) should be observed at every stage of their journey. In high-risk pregnancies, "transfer in utero" to a neonatal intensive care unit undoubtedly is the best solution.