Complex intubation, cricothyrotomy and tracheotomy. Successful management of a difficult airway begins with recognizing the potential problem. When the patient cannot breathe spontaneously, oxygenation and ventilation should start first with bag-valve ventilation, with or without an airway adjunct such as a Mayo cannula, followed by an orotrache4l intubation attempt, performed by an experienced emergency doctor. If orotracheal intubation fails, a quick decision must be made regarding surgical options. In a "cannot intubate, cannot ventilate" situation, a surgical cricothyrotomy should be considered. When orotracheal intubation is impossible, but bag-valve or laryngeal mask ventilation is possible, an urgent surgical tracheostomy should be performed. In the long run, patients in need of longterm artificial ventilation will need a percutaneous or open tracheostomy. This review provides an update of all aspects of immediate and long-term airway management.