A fluorordeoxyuridine (FdU) synchronization technique was applied to 30 chorionic villus samples (CVS) from patients undergoing first trimester fetal diagnosis. The villi were incubated for 15 h in the presence of FdU. The block in DNA synthesis was subsequently released using thymidine and after an additional 5 h of incubation the mitotic cells were arrested in metaphases using a high concentration of colcemid. This method results in improved morphology of the chromosomes and a high mitotic index. A diagnostic chromosome analysis could be obtained in each clinical case using at least 15 well-spread metaphases. G-banded karyotypes were prepared of four metaphases in each case. The diagnostic procedure was completed within 48 h from the time of CVS. Use of this technique significantly improves the success rate of 'direct' chromosome analyses from CVS in a busy cytogenetic laboratory.