Aim - to study the state of the microcirculatory bed and the endothelial system in patients at risk of developing reperfusion syndrome and suggest methods for their correction. The work included 29 patients with obliterating diseases of the abdominal aorta and lower limb arteries with a high risk of developing reperfusion complications. Two groups of patients were identified. Group I - 8 patients, preoperative preparation include the generally accepted approaches. Group II - 21 patients whose preoperative preparation included, in addition to preparations for improving rheological blood conditions, prolonged epidural anesthesia, intravenous injection of hydroxyethylstarches, korvetin and alprostadil. In patients of both groups, a study was made of the state of the level of endothelial dysfunction, changes in capillary blood flow and arterio-venular blood shunting. Revascularization of the lower limbs in patients with a high risk of developing reperfusion complications leads to a deepening of endothelial dysfunction. The latter is characterized by a 2.3-fold increase (p<0.001) in the early postoperative period of circulating endothelial cells in the blood, by 2.5 times (p <0.001) endothelin-1, while a 1.3-fold decrease (p<0,05) P-selectin and in 1,7 times (p<0,05) E-selectin. The depth of the lesion of the endothelial system is indicated by a decrease of 29.9 % (p<0.001) in the level of NO. Deepening of endothelial dysfunction after reconstructive-reconstructive surgery is reflected in violations of the function of the microcirculatory bed. It is characterized by a 1.9-fold decrease (p<0.001) of skin perfusion, 2.0 times (p<0.001) in the erythrocyte concentration index and a 14% decrease (p<0.05) in capillary blood flow. This is facilitated by an increase of 14% (p<0.05) in skin perfusion pressure and an increase of 16% (p<0.05) in the resistance index of the microcirculatory bed, which leads to a decrease in tissue oxygenation to a level 3.38±0.14 mm.hg.