A 30 year old male presented with a cutaneous lesion on the distal area of the 5th toe with involvement of the outer edges. Macroscopically, it was a 1cm violaceous and keratotic lesion. Radiography showed an increase in soft tissue, possibly due to a vascular lesion. MRI showed a hyper-intense signal with erosion of the distal phalanx compatible with a low-flow vascular malformation. The distal phalanx was amputated. Histopathology revealed a lesion formed by venous and D2-40 positive lymphatic vessels. This case highlights the fact that even minimal skin involvement in vascular malformations may conceal an important deeper lesion, such as erosion of the cortical bone.
Keywords: Anticuerpo monoclonal D2-40; Lymphatic malformation; Malformación linfática; Malformación vascular; Monoclonal antibody D2-40; Vascular malformation.
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