Seasonal micro-migration in a farm-island population of striated caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands

Mov Ecol. 2018 Mar 30:6:4. doi: 10.1186/s40462-018-0122-8. eCollection 2018.


Background: The extent to which seasonal changes in food availability affect small-scale movements in free-ranging populations of birds of prey is relatively little studied. Here we describe a seasonal "micro-migration" of a farm-island population of striated caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands in response to seasonal changes in the availability of seabird carcasses. We banded more than 450 individuals on Saunders Island, deployed archival and satellite GPS data loggers on 17 individuals, and monitored movements within and between two feeding areas on Saunders Island, a "marine-subsidized" site near seabird colonies and an anthropogenic "human-subsidized" farm site 16 km to the southeast.

Results: During 67 observation days between 2010 and 2015, resightings of 312 banded caracaras were greater at the marine-subsidized site during austral summer than winter, and the total daily resightings varied significantly between spring versus summer, summer versus winter, autumn versus spring, and autumn versus winter. Resightings were higher at the human-subsidized site in austral winter than summer and the total daily resightings varied significantly across all bi-seasonal comparisons. Resightings indicated that at least 12 of 197 birds (6.1%) moved between the human- and marine-subsidized sites at least once during the same winter, 15 of 335 birds (4.5%) did so in spring, none of 164 birds did so in summer, and 16 of 297 birds (5.4%) did so in autumn. Individuals fitted with archival GPS data loggers at the marine-subsidized site in summer maintained highly localized 95% kernel core areas (0.55 ± 0.12 km2 [mean ± SD]), whereas those at the human-subsidized site in winter maintained larger 95% kernel core areas (3.8 ± 4.6 km2). Two of 6 satellite-tagged individuals that summered at known caracara breeding colonies 80 km WNW of Saunders Island were subsequently resighted in winter at the human-subsidized site.

Conclusion: Our results suggest that seasonal shifts in food resource availability drive seasonal micro-migrations in a farm-island population of striated caracaras, and that farm sites can be critical in providing nutritional resources for caracaras when naturally occurring marine-subsidized resources become less available. Our results have important implications for striated caracara spatial ecology and conservation, as increased winter survival could improve the status of this globally Near-Threatened population.

Keywords: GPS; Human subsidies; Island population; Marine subsidies; Movement ecology; Phalcoboenus australis; Seasonal; Short distance; Space use; Winter refuge.