Considering that occupational exposure in medicine is a matter of growing concern, active personal dosimeters (APDs) are also increasingly being used in different fields of application of ionising radiation in medicine. An extensive survey to collect relevant information regarding the use of APDs in medical imaging applications of ionising radiation was organised by the EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group) Working Group 12. The objective was to collect data about the use of APDs and to identify the basic problems in the use of APDs in hospitals. APDs are most frequently used in interventional radiology and cardiology departments (54%), in nuclear medicine (29%), and in radiotherapy (12%). Most types of APDs use silicon diodes as the detector; however, in many cases their calibration is not given proper attention, as radiation beam qualities in which they are calibrated differ significantly from those in which they are actually used. The survey revealed problems related to the use of APDs, including their reliability in pulsed x-ray fields that are widely used in hospitals. Guidance from regulatory authorities and professional organisations on the testing and calibration of APDs used in hospital would likely improve the situation.