Purpose: Editorial to De Giacinto et al case report on free autologous neurosensory retina patch.
Methods: Literature review and experts' opinion RESULTS: In the present issue, De Giacinto et al describe a free autologous neurosensory retina patch to close a chronic macular hole. This new technique was made necessary by an extended internal limiting membrane peeling during the first surgery, that prevented grafting a patch of internal limiting membrane when the hole did not close. We hereby review pros and cons of patching a chronic macular hole with an internal limiting membrane patch, as well as the importance of not over-enlarging a peeling.
Discussion: Internal limiting membrane patch can be considered in chronic macular holes. It may not be an option in cases of over-enlargement of a previous peel; free autologous neurosensory retina patch may be a valid alternative in such cases.
Keywords: Chronic macular hole; ILM patch; ILM peeling; Neuroretina graft.