The emergence of functional neuroimaging has dramatically accelerated our understanding of the human mind. The advent of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging paved the way for the next decades' major discoveries in neuroscience and today remains the "gold standard" for deep brain imaging. Recent improvements in imaging technology have been somewhat limited to incremental innovations of mature techniques instead of breakthroughs. Recently, the use of ultrasonic plane waves transmitted at ultrafast frame rates was shown to highly increase Doppler ultrasound sensitivity to blood flows in small vessels in rodents. By identifying regions of brain activation through neurovascular coupling, Ultrafast Doppler was entering into the world of preclinical neuroimaging. The combination of many advantages, including high spatio-temporal resolution, deep penetration, high sensitivity and portability provided unique information about brain function. Recently, Ultrafast Doppler imaging was found able to non-invasively image the spatial and temporal dynamics of microvascular changes during seizures and interictal periods with an unprecedented resolution at bedside. This review summarizes the technical basis, the added value and the clinical perspectives provided by this new brain imaging modality that could create a breakthrough in the knowledge of brain hemodynamics, brain insult, and neuroprotection.
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