[Who Benefits from Forensic Psychiatric Treatment? Results of a Catamnestic Study in Swabia]

Psychiatr Prax. 2018 Oct;45(7):375-382. doi: 10.1055/a-0579-9649. Epub 2018 Apr 17.
[Article in German]


Objective: Evaluation of treatment outcomes of forensic inpatients in the Bavarian district of Swabia (2010 - 2014).

Methods: 130 inpatients were interviewed about their social reintegration, substance use and delinquency immediately after discharge from forensic psychiatry and one year after.

Results: One year after discharge 67 % of the patients referred due to substance use disorder according to § 64 of the German Penal Code were employed, 57 % were abstinent and 83 % did not reoffend. Patients who were detained due to severe mental illness according to § 63 of the German Penal Code often received inability pensions (57 %), 14 % were integrated in sheltered workshops and 100 % did not reoffend.

Conclusion: Forensic-psychiatric treatment contributes to rehabilitation and reduces risk factors of mentally disordered offenders.

Ziel der studie: Evaluation der Maßregelbehandlung von 2010 – 2014 im Bezirk Schwaben.

Methodik: Befragung von 130 Patienten direkt nach Entlassung und ein Jahr später zu sozialer Reintegration, Substanzkonsum und Delinquenz.

Ergebnisse: Suchtpatienten waren ein Jahr nach Entlassung zu 67 % in Arbeit, zu 57 % abstinent und zu 83 % straffrei. Patienten, die nach § 63 untergebracht waren, waren zu 57 % berentet, zu 14 % in arbeitstherapeutischen Maßnahmen und zu 100 % straffrei.

Schlussfolgerung: Maßregelbehandlung leistet einen Beitrag zu Rehabilitation und Risikominimierung psychisch kranker Straftäter.

MeSH terms

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • Forensic Psychiatry*
  • Germany
  • Humans
  • Mental Disorders*
  • Patient Discharge
  • Substance-Related Disorders*