Using Shared Decision-Making to Address Possible Overtreatment in Patients at High Risk for Hypoglycemia: The Veterans Health Administration's Choosing Wisely Hypoglycemia Safety Initiative

Clin Diabetes. 2018 Apr;36(2):120-127. doi: 10.2337/cd17-0060.


IN BRIEF Successful management of patients with diabetes requires individualizing A1C and treatment goals in conjunction with identifying and managing hypoglycemia risk. This article describes the Veterans Health Administration's Choosing Wisely Hypoglycemia Safety Initiative (CW-HSI), a voluntary program that aims to reduce the occurrence of hypoglycemia through shared decision-making about deintensifying diabetes treatment in a dynamic cohort of patients identified as being at high risk for hypoglycemia and potentially overtreated. The CW-HSI incorporates education for patients and clinicians, as well as clinical decision support tools, and has shown decreases in the proportions of high-risk patients potentially overtreated and impacts on the frequency of reported hypoglycemia.