Aim: To review the epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) over a 10 year period. Methods: A retrospective analysis of the ACT TB notification data from 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2015 was conducted.
Results: Over the 10 year study period there were 171 TB notifications in the ACT, with an increasing trend in the number of notifications over time. The median age of cases was 36 years (range 14 to 91 years) and 53.8% of cases were male. Most TB cases (84.2%) were born overseas. Among Australian-born cases the most common risk factor for acquiring TB was close/household contact with a known case of TB (30.8%). The most common risk factor in the overseas-born population was past travel or residence in a high-risk country (86.9%). Of all the TB cases notified, 82.4% successfully completed treatment.
Conclusion: There was an increasing trend in the number of TB notifications in the ACT over the study period. The highest rate of TB notifications remained in the overseas-born population; with other studies suggesting this is commonly due to reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). As Australia starts working towards TB elimination, options for the screening and management of LTBI, especially in high risk populations, need to be explored.
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