Introduction: The People's Republic of China has been successfully deploying medical teams to support the peacekeeping mission at the Level 2 Military Hospital in Mali since December 2013. The aim of this paper was to compare the current practice in Chinese Peacekeeping Level 2 Military Hospital with the severe trauma treatment standards reported in China.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted between 26 April 2014 and 18 May 2016 using records stored in the Chinese Peacekeeping Level 2 Hospital (CHN L2). From 19 May 2016 to 31 March 2017, the data were prospectively collected for all casualties presenting in the hospital. Emergency response time, prehospital transit time, emergency rescue time, consultation call time and mortality were compared with the data from a study that evaluated the effects of standard rescue procedure (SRP) in improving severe trauma treatment in different hospitals across China.
Results: Indexes obtained from the analysis of CHN L2 data were equal or surpassed indexes reported in the study evaluating the implementation of SRP in Chinese hospitals.
Conclusion: The deployed CHN L2 delivered a high standard of care in Gao, Mali, and generally surpasses the Chinese standards. This can mostly be attributed to an efficient coordination of work during both prehospital and in-hospital stages of rescue.
Keywords: Chinese level 2 military hospital; peacekeeping; trauma treatment.
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