The spread of antibiotic resistance is one of the leading public health problems in Italy. A European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control country visit recently confirmed the major challenges and made important suggestions. In response, the Ministry of Health published the National Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance Containment, and a group of experts belonging to the Italian Group of Antimicrobial Stewardship (GISA) convened to develop a summary of practical recommendations. The GISA document is intended for use by practising physicians; it aims to increase the rational use of antimicrobials in the treatment of infections, and to change the culture of infection control of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, through the translation of theoretical knowledge into priority actions. This document has been endorsed by several national scientific societies, and reflects the particular challenges that are faced in Italy. Nevertheless, it is considered that the general principles and approaches discussed are relevant, particularly to other developed economies.
Keywords: Antibiotic use; Antimicrobial resistance; Antimicrobial stewardship; Infection control; Priority actions.
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