Electrophoretic mobility shift assays and Western blots are simple, efficient, and rapid methods to study DNA-protein interactions and protein expression, respectively. Primary cultures and subcultures of epithelial cells are widely used for the production of tissue-engineered substitutes and are gaining popularity as a model for gene expression studies. The preservation of stem cells through the culture process is essential to produce high quality substitutes. However, the increase in the number of cell passages is associated with a decrease in their ability to proliferate until senescence is reached. This process is likely to be mediated by the altered expression of nuclear-located transcription factors such as Sp1 and NFI, whose expression has been documented to be required for cell adhesion, migration, and differentiation. In some of our recent studies, we observed a correlation between reconstructed tissues exhibiting poor histological and structural characteristics and a low expression of Sp1 in their constituting epithelial cells. Therefore, monitoring both the expression and DNA binding of these transcription factors in human skin and corneal epithelial cells is a useful tool for characterizing the quality of primary cultured epithelial cells.
Keywords: Cornea; Corneal epithelial cells; EMSA; Epidermis; Gel mobility shift assay; NFI; Sp1; Stem cells; Tissue engineering; Transcription factor; Western blot.