Caregivers play an important role in the in-home care of community dwelling older adults living with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias (ADRD); however, many of these caregivers lack training in caring for this vulnerable population. In 2015, we developed and implemented an interactive, community-based, knowledge and skills-based training program for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) caregivers. This report shares the results of a process evaluation of this training program as it evolved over the course of three training sessions in Riverside County, California. Our iterative evaluation process reveals the unique needs of training and assessing a population of demographically diverse adult learners and provides guidance for those planning to implement similar training in underserved communities. Factors such as reliance on self-reported abilities, language readability level, and test anxiety may have confounded attempts to capture learner feedback and actual knowledge gains from our caregiver training program.
Keywords: In-Home Supportive Services; community-based education; dementia caregivers.