A healthy 10-year-old boy vomited during sleep and later complained of abdominal pain; he became drowsy and uncommunicative. At the nearby hospital E.R., he deteriorated rapidly, and his respiratory movements were absent with cardiac arrest. He was immediately resuscitated. Brain MRI showed no abnormalities. EEG revealed an abnormal pattern with recurrent multifocal epileptiform activity over the bilateral occipital and frontal regions during sleep. Based on the clinical/radiological findings we diagnosed Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS), a benign form of early-onset pediatric epilepsy characterized by autonomic symptoms. Lifethreating cardiopulmonary arrest is rare in PS, but long seizure duration of PS may associate with apnea and bradycardia.
Keywords: autonomic symptom; EEG; afebrile seizure; cardiac arrest; pediatric epilepsy.