In clinical trials, longitudinally assessed ordinal outcomes are commonly dichotomized and only the final measure is used for primary analysis, partly for ease of clinical interpretation. Dichotomization of the ordinal scale and failure to utilize the repeated measures can reduce statistical power. Additionally, in certain emergent settings, the same measure cannot be assessed at baseline prior to treatment. For such a data set, a piecewise-constant multistate Markov model that incorporates a latent model for the unobserved baseline measure is proposed. These models can be useful in analyzing disease history data and are advantageous in clinical applications where a disease process naturally moves through increasing stages of severity. Two examples are provided using acute stroke clinical trials data. Conclusions drawn in this article are consistent with those from the primary analysis for treatment effect in both of the motivating examples. Use of these models allows for a more refined examination of treatment effect and describes the movement between health states from baseline to follow-up visits which may provide more clinical insight into the treatment effect.
Keywords: Longitudinal ordinal outcome; modified Rankin Scale; panel data; piecewise multistate models.