Background: Psoriasis has been associated with a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors. However, there is inadequate quantification on the association between psoriasis and acute coronary syndrome (ACS), particularly in the elderly. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the risk of ACS according to history of psoriasis in subjects aged 75 years and older.
Methods: We carried out a case control study based on 1455 cases and 1108 controls. Cases were all the patients admitted in the randomized Elderly ACS 2 trial. Controls were selected from subjects aged ≥75 years included in the Prevalence of Actinic Keratoses in the Italian Population Study (PraKtis), based on a representative sample of the general Italian population. Odds ratios (OR) of ACS according to history of psoriasis were obtained using a multiple logistic regression model including terms for age, sex and smoking.
Results: The prevalence of psoriasis was lower among cases (12/1455, 0.8%) than among controls (18/1108, 1.6%). The multivariate OR of ACS according to history of psoriasis was 0.51 (95% confidence interval: 0.23-1.09).
Conclusions: Our data does not support an association between psoriasis and risk of ACS in the elderly.
Keywords: Acute coronary syndrome; Elderly; Psoriasis.
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