Background: Mast cell diseases such as mastocytosis and mast cell activation syndrome involve abnormal proliferation and/or activation of these cells, leading to many clinically relevant symptoms.
Objective: To determine the characteristics and experiences of people known or suspected to have a mast cell disorder, The Mastocytosis Society, a US-based patient advocacy, research, and education organization, conducted a survey of patients.
Methods: This Web-based survey was publicized through specialty clinics and the society's newsletter, Web site, and online blogs. Both online and paper copies of the questionnaire were provided together with required statements of consent.
Results: The first set of results from this survey of 420 respondents has been previously published; the second set is presented in this article. These results include source(s) of diagnosis, clinical and laboratory tests reported, comorbidities, dietary practices, possible familial occurrence of mast cell disorders, and perceptions concerning mast cell disorder-related medical care needs in the United States.
Conclusions: These patient survey results are provided to assist medical professionals in learning patients' perceptions of their experiences and to give patients with mast cell disorders and caregivers the opportunity to compare experiences with those of other affected individuals.
Keywords: Allergist; Clinical laboratory tests; Dermatologist; Diet; Family occurrence; Hematologist; Mast cell activation syndrome; Mast cell disorders; Survey; The Mastocytosis Society.
Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.