Background: Injuries and their comorbidities affect victims far beyond their physical recovery period. Some study-measures show that more than half of patients hospitalized for a traumatic injury suffer from Acute Stress Disorder, alcohol dependence, and recurrent trauma. Overall, this literature review serves to review risk factors for PTSD, screening tools, follow-up strategies, and gaps in the literature for achieving feasible patient-centered interventions for the prevention of PTSD after a traumatic injury.
Data sources: A literature review was performed from August 1, 2017 to March 19, 2018, from 3 Databases: PubMed, CINAHL and Cochrane, with keywords: "PTSD", "Post-traumatic Stress Disorder", "Civilians", "Traumatic", "Injury", "Follow-up", "Treatment", "Referral", "surgery", "surgical", "Intervention", and "Insured", "underinsured".
Conclusions: Reported risk factors for PTSD were: prior psychiatric disorder, gunshots, and lack of social support. Most articles use the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Civilian version. Follow-up strategies mainly focus on multidisciplinary intervention protocols, including social workers, behavioral health specialists, and psychiatrists. Finally, gaps in the literature show the need for bilingual/bicultural patient-centered care for elderly, diverse ethnic backgrounds, and insured vs. uninsured patients.
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