Beat noise reduction utilizing the transient acoustic-wave response of an optical fiber in Brillouin grating-based optical low coherence reflectometry

Appl Opt. 2018 Jun 20;57(18):5235-5241. doi: 10.1364/AO.57.005235.


We periodically generated a transient Brillouin grating by using continuous-wave pump light and 50 MHz pulse-wave pump light with optical low coherence reflectometry (OLCR). We extracted the Stokes light generated by the decaying part of the grating with an optical switch, and this enabled us to block the pulse-wave pump light from entering the balanced mixer, resulting in a reduction in the noise caused by the beat between the local oscillator light and the pump light. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we succeeded in detecting a Stokes light with an OLCR, despite the fact that the states of polarization of the probe and pump light waves were parallel, and this encouraged us to construct a polarization-independent OLCR for diagnosing optical modules and three-dimensional objects.