Semiconductor p-n junctions are fundamental building blocks for modern optical and electronic devices. The p- and n-type regions are typically created by chemical doping process. Here we show that in the new class of halide perovskite semiconductors, the p-n junctions can be readily induced through a localized thermal-driven phase transition. We demonstrate this p-n junction formation in a single-crystalline halide perovskite CsSnI3 nanowire (NW). This material undergoes a phase transition from a double-chain yellow (Y) phase to an orthorhombic black (B) phase. The formation energies of the cation and anion vacancies in these two phases are significantly different, which leads to n- and p- type electrical characteristics for Y and B phases, respectively. Interface formation between these two phases and directional interface propagation within a single NW are directly observed under cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy. Current rectification is demonstrated for the p-n junction formed with this localized thermal-driven phase transition.
Keywords: electrical transport; halide perovskite nanowire; heterostructure; p-n junction; phase transition.