In recent years, successful local health interventions have emerged in the field of community engagement in health. This paper presents a dialogue between different local actors about the key aspects which can enhance the success of these community experiences. The format chosen for our work is a semi-structured conversation where authors discuss different aspects related to the current context of community engagement in health, the identified barriers to participating, and the effective tools which might facilitate the development of successful experiences. Most of the community experiences, which are the basis of this analysis, are found in intersectoral workspaces; mainly in local committees and health councils, in which the authors of this paper are involved. Developing an inclusive model of community engagement is challenging, but we rely on different tools that allow us to promote the participation of citizens in the decisions taken concerning their health and that of their community. To facilitate the development of successful experiences, it is necessary to combine different normative, technical and methodological tools. Furthermore, we also need to guide our intervention to promote participation in all phases of the intervention cycle, including a health perspective in all the policies, and acting on determinants from an equity perspective.
Keywords: Community engagement; Community health; Participación comunitaria; Public health; Salud comunitaria; Salud pública.
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