The gene coding for properdin factor Bf is located in the human major histocompatibility complex and is closely linked to the genes coding for the complement components C2 and C4. Recently, by Southern blotting techniques, a restriction fragment length polymorphism was identified using the endonuclease Taq I, which subdivides haplotypes carrying the F allele of factor Bf. The F allotype has also been subdivided at the protein level by isoelectric focusing into two subtypes Fa and Fb. We have investigated the DNA of 41 healthy unrelated individuals with known BfF subtypes using the 2.3 kb factor Bf cDNA probe to determine if there is any correlation between the Taq I polymorphism and F subtype. We have found that in 23 individuals who carried the Fb subtype a 6.6 kb Taq I fragment was present. The remaining 18 individuals carried the Fa subtype and showed only the 4.5 kb Taq I fragment on Southern blotting (P = 10(-12). This striking correlation (r = 1) between the Fb protein and DNA polymorphism is surprising especially as the 4.5 kb and 6.6 kb Taq I fragments overlap the Bf and C2 genes and the polymorphic Taq I site is located within the C2 gene.