Internal irradiation of mice using bone seeking radionuclides results in the activation of endogenous retroviruses and in the subsequent development of bone tumors. Genomic DNA from an osteosarcoma cell line, derived from an 90Sr-induced bone tumor, was cotransfected with the plasmid pSV2-neo into NIH/3T3 cells and G418-resistant transfectants gave rise to colonies in soft agar. Southern blot analysis of these first cycle transformants revealed the presence of extra copies of c-ras. We have analysed the arrangement of ecotropic murine leukemia proviral sequences in seven 90Sr-induced bone tumors and one osteosarcoma cell line of CF1-mice. Integration of ecotropic and/or ecotropic recombinant proviruses seems to be involved in rearrangements of 3' provirus cellular junction fragments occurring in all tumor DNAs analysed, but no indication for site-specific integration was found. We also determined the primary structure of FBR-MuSV, a transforming retrovirus able to induce bone tumors in newborn mice. FBR-MuSV contains sequences from all four exons of the murine c-fos gene, but lacks sequences encoding the first 24 and the last 98 amino acids of the c-fos gene product. The coding region of FBR-MuSV has also undergone two small in frame deletions. Thus, the v-fosFBR-MuSV retains 236 amino acids of the 380 amino acids of the murine c-fos product. In FBR-MuSV-transformed cells two fos-containing mRNAs have been detected: a 3.3-kb full-size genomic RNA and a 2.2-kb subgenomic mRNA as revealed by both fos- and MuLV-hybridization probes.