Discovery and representation of common structural and functional cortical architectures has been a significant yet challenging problem for years. Due to the remarkable variability of structural and functional cortical architectures in human brain, it is challenging to jointly represent a common cortical architecture which can comprehensively encode both structure and function characteristics. In order to better understand this challenge and considering that macaque monkey brain has much less variability in structure and function compared with human brain, in this paper, we propose a novel computational framework to apply our DICCCOL (Dense Individualized and Common Connectivity-based Cortical Landmarks) and HAFNI (Holistic Atlases of Functional Networks and Interactions) frameworks on macaque brains, in order to jointly represent structural and functional connectome-scale profiles for identification of a set of consistent and common cortical landmarks across different macaque brains based on multimodal DTI and resting state fMRI (rsfMRI) data. Experimental results demonstrate that 100 consistent and common cortical landmarks are successfully identified via the proposed framework, each of which has reasonably accurate anatomical, structural fiber connection pattern, and functional correspondences across different macaque brains. This set of 100 landmarks offer novel insights into the structural and functional cortical architectures in macaque brains.
Keywords: Cortical landmarks; DTI; Joint representation of structure and function; Resting state fMRI; Rhesus monkey.