Objectives: Rabbit adipose mesenchymal stem cells were used for the purpose of studying acquisition of the chondrogenic phenotype over time at 1, 14 and 28 days after in vitro incubation with differentiation media, using nano-liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry analysis. This was part of a preliminary study of the behavior of differentiated adipose stem cells for use in a rabbit model of laryngoplasty.
Data description: The data comprise .MGF, .RAW, .MZID, and .XLSX, lists of peaks, peptides and proteins identified by nano-flow liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry analysis upon incubation with non-differentiating (ND) or chondrogenic differentiating (CHD) media (ProteomeXchange ID PXD010236). XLSX files contain the following information: day 1 CT (control, N = 3499 proteins), day 14 ND (N = 3106 proteins), day 28 ND (N = 3116 proteins), day 14 CHD (N = 2901 proteins), and day 28 CHD (N = 2876 proteins). Proteins are characterized with respect to their - 10lgP value, percent coverage, number of total as well as unique peptides after trypsin digestion, derivatization method (carbamidomethylation, oxidation, or combined carbamidomethylation + oxidation), average mass, and include a full description.
Keywords: Adipose mesenchymal stem cells; Chondrogenic differentiation time-course; Mass spectrometry; Proteomics; Regenerative medicine.