Paradoxical reactions (PRs) are exaggerated inflammatory responses owing to recovery of cellular immunity following initiation of anti-tuberculous therapy (ATT). The presentation is worsening of pre-existing symptoms or development of new lesions. A 14-year-old girl with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis developed a recurrent asymptomatic retropharyngeal abscess while on ATT. She required multiple aspirations of the abscess. Xpert MTB/RIF detected Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the aspirate which was resistant to rifampicin; culture was negative. Following aspirations of the abscess, continued ATT and a 2-month course of corticosteroids, she remains well and has gained weight. A retropharyngeal abscess presenting in the form of a PR has not been reported previously in adults or children.
Keywords: Retropharyngeal abscess; paradoxical reactions in MDR-TB; retropharyngeal abscess as paradoxical reaction; retropharyngeal abscess in TB; tuberculous paradoxical reactions.