A total of 464 clinical specimens from patients with extragenital and genital lesions and from the cervix of asymptomatic women were examined for the presence of Herpes-simplex-virus antigen by using a commercially available enzyme immunoassay Kit (ELISA, Dakopatts) and a direct immunofluorescence technique with monoclonal antibodies (Syva-Merck). The detection rate was compared to the isolation rate of the tissue-culture technique. In extragenital lesions the sensitivity of the ELISA technique and immunofluorescence was determined to be 78.9% and 80% and in genital lesions 46.2%. In cervical clinical specimens, the sensitivity of both techniques was determined to be 5.7% and 15.4%. An HSV infection, negative in tissue culture, was diagnosed in 22 and 27 cases, respectively, using ELISA and immunofluorescence. This diagnosis was confirmed in 21 and 22 cases by the other immunological technique. For this reason, it can be assumed that in some cases direct immunological techniques can be more sensitive than the tissue culture technique. With regard to asymptomatic and manifest infections, reliable results are only obtainable in cases of manifest disease with blisters or scabs.