Background: Hemodynamic instability frequently occurs in beach chair positioning for surgery, putting patients at risk for cerebral adverse events. This study examined whether preoperative volume loading with crystalloids alone or with a crystalloid-colloid combination can prevent hemodynamic changes that may be causative for unfavorable neurologic outcomes.
Methods: The study randomly assigned 43 adult patients undergoing shoulder surgery to 3 study groups. Each group received an infusion of 500 mL of Ringer's acetate between induction of anesthesia and being placed in the beach chair position. The crystalloid group received an additional bolus of 1000 mL Ringer's acetate. The hydroxyethyl starch group was administered an additional bolus of 500 mL of 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4. Hemodynamic monitoring was accomplished via an esophageal Doppler probe. Cerebral oxygen saturation was examined with near-infrared spectroscopy. Changes in stroke volume variation between the prone and beach chair positions were defined as the primary outcome parameter. Secondary outcomes were changes in cardiac output and cerebral oxygen saturation.
Results: The control group was prematurely stopped after enrollment of 4 patients because of adverse events. In the hydroxyethyl starch group, stroke volume variation remained constant during positioning maneuvers (P = .35), whereas a significant increase was observed in the Ringer's acetate group (P < .01; P = .014 for intergroup comparison). This was also valid for changes in cardiac output. Cerebral oxygen saturation significantly decreased in both groups.
Conclusions: Preprocedural boluses of 500 mL of 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 as well as 1000 mL of Ringer's acetate were efficient in preserving hemodynamic conditions during beach chair position.
Keywords: Beach chair position; fluid replacement; hemodynamics; preemptive fluid bolus; shoulder surgery; stroke volume variation.
Copyright © 2018 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.