Mortality is one of the most important parameters for the study of population dynamics. One of the main sources of information to calculate the mortality of cetaceans arises from the observed age-structure of stranded animals. A method based on an adaptation of a Heligman-Pollard model is proposed. A freely accessible package of functions (strandCet) has been created to apply this method in the statistical software R. Total, natural, and anthropogenic mortality-at-age is estimated using only data of stranded cetaceans whose age is known. Bayesian melding estimation with Incremental Mixture Importance Sampling is used for fitting this model. This characteristic, which accounts for uncertainty, further eases the estimation of credible intervals. The package also includes functions to perform life tables, Siler mortality models to calculate total mortality-at-age and Leslie matrices to derive population projections. Estimated mortalities can be tested under different scenarios. Population parameters as population growth, net production or generation time can be derived from population projections. The strandCet R package provides a new analytical framework to assess mortality in cetacean populations and to explore the consequences of management decisions using only stranding-derived data.
Keywords: Anthropogenic mortality; Bycatch; Cetaceans; Mortality-at-age; Natural mortality; Strandings.