Background: Preoperative staging, including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), is decisive to envisage the therapeutic concept for rectal cancer (RC). Overstaging may subject the patient to neoadjuvant therapy that does not improve survival but may lead to therapy-associated morbidity.
Methods: This study retrospectively compares and values EUS, CT, and MRI in Union Internationale Contre le Cancer (UICC) stage I-III RC with a focus on overstaging. RC patients receiving primary operation only at the University Clinic Ulm were analyzed. The therapeutic relevance of preoperative staging was determined by comparison with postoperative pathological workup.
Results: 244 examinations in 184 RC patients (EUS: n = 63, CT: n = 143, MRI: n = 38) revealed therapy-relevant overstaging into the T3/4 category in 10 (16%) EUS, 18 (13%) CT, and 10 (26%) MRI cases. Patients were upgraded to the N+ category in 13 (21%) EUS, 29 (20%) CT, and 11 (29%) MRI cases. As a result, UICC stages II and III turned out to be overstaged in 13 (21%) EUS, 18 (13%) CT, and 10 (26%) MRI cases.
Conclusion: More than 10% therapy-relevant overstaging by any method represents a major challenge for modern RC therapy. Physicians should scrupulously consider this fact in their treatment considerations to avoid overtreatment.
Keywords: Computed tomography, CT; Endoscopic ultrasound, EUS; Magnetic resonance imaging, MRI; Rectal cancer; Staging.