Chronic Hepatitis B virus infection remains a major global public health problem, accounting for about 887,000 deaths in 2015. Perinatal and early childhood infections are strongly associated with developing chronic hepatitis B. Adding a birth dose of the hepatitis B vaccine (HepB BD) to routine childhood vaccination can prevent over 85% of these infections. However, HepB BD coverage remains low in many global regions, with shortages of birth attendants trained to vaccinate and limited HepB BD supply at birth. To address the challenges, we developed coated metal microneedle patches (cMNPs) and dissolvable microneedle patches (dMNPs) that deliver adjuvant-free hepatitis B vaccine to the skin in a simple-to-administer manner. The dMNP contains micron-scale, solid needles encapsulating vaccine antigen and dissolve in the skin, generating no sharps waste. We delivered HepB BD via cMNP to BALB/c mice and via dMNP to both mice and rhesus macaques. Both cMNP and dMNP were immunogenic, generating hepatitis B surface antibody levels similar to human seroprotection. Biomechanical analysis showed that at high forces the microneedles failed mechanically by yielding but microneedles partially blunted by axial compression were still able to penetrate skin. Overall, this study indicates that with further development, dMNPs could offer a method of vaccination to increase HepB BD access and reduce needle waste in developing countries.
Keywords: biomechanics; birth dose; hepatitis B surface antigen vaccine; hepatitis B virus; microneedle patch; mouse; rhesus macaque; vaccination.