Sub-nanosecond single line-of-sight (SLOS) x-ray imagers (invited)

Rev Sci Instrum. 2018 Oct;89(10):10G123. doi: 10.1063/1.5039648.


A new generation of fast-gated x-ray framing cameras have been developed that are capable of capturing multiple frames along a single line-of-sight with 30 ps temporal resolution. The instruments are constructed by integrating pulse-dilation electron imaging with burst mode hybrid-complimentary metal-oxide-semiconductor sensors. Two such instruments have been developed, characterized, and fielded at the National Ignition Facility and the OMEGA laser. These instruments are particularly suited for advanced x-ray imaging applications in Inertial Confinement Fusion and High energy density experiments. Here, we discuss the system architecture and the techniques required for tuning the instruments to achieve optimal performance. Characterization results are also presented along with planned future improvements to the design.