A survey to assess the familiarity, attitudes, and knowledge about epilepsy was done using a questionnaire identical to the one used in 1999. Two hundred forty-six people participated in our survey in 2017 as compared with 214 in the 1999 survey. In terms of familiarity about epilepsy, 76% had heard or read about epilepsy, 55.7% had witnessed a seizure, and 35.8% knew someone with epilepsy (85%, 56%, and 36% respectively in 1999). Forty point five percent were not familiar with or did not know what to do if they witnessed a seizure (44% in 1999); 25.6% would put something in the mouth of a person having a seizure (32% in 1999). In terms of attitudes towards epilepsy, 14.6% would object to their children associating with one with epilepsy while 19.9% would object to their children marrying a person with epilepsy (13% and 36% respectively in 1999). Only 43.1% would employ a person with epilepsy while 68.3% would employ if seizures do not interfere with the job (42 and 66% respectively in 1999). In terms of knowledge of seizures and epilepsy, 66.3% associated epileptic attack with convulsion (68% in 1999). Only 37.5% were aware of nonconvulsive forms of epilepsy (25% in 1999). Twenty-six point eight percent did not know what treatment to recommend to relatives/friends with epilepsy while 60.6% recommend western medicine (22% and 60% respectively in 1999). CONCLUSION: The awareness, attitudes, and understanding towards epilepsy does not seem to show any significant difference when compared with that in 1999. Reluctance to marry and employ a person with epilepsy persists. The awareness about first aid of a patient having a seizure, attitudes towards marrying a person with epilepsy, and the understanding of cause of epilepsy have shown some positive changes over 17 years.
Keywords: Attitudes; Awareness; Epilepsy; Knowledge; Survey; Understanding.
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