The efficacy of a single topical application of a combination product containing selamectin and sarolaner (selamectin/sarolaner; Revolution® Plus/Stronghold® Plus) was evaluated in seven laboratory studies against Ixodes scapularis (three studies), Dermacentor variabilis (two studies), or Amblyomma maculatum (two studies). In each study, cats were randomly allocated to treatment groups based on pre-treatment host-suitability tick counts. On Days -2, 5, 12, 19, 26 and 33, the cats were infested with unfed adult ticks. On Day 0, cats were treated with either a placebo (vehicle control) or with the spot-on solution at the minimum dose of 6.0 mg selamectin and 1.0 mg sarolaner/kg bodyweight. In one study with I. scapularis and one with D. variabilis an additional group of cats was treated with selamectin alone (Revolution®, Zoetis) at 6.0 mg/kg bodyweight. Tick counts were conducted after treatment and after each weekly re-infestation and efficacy determined relative to placebo-treated animals. There were no treatment-related adverse reactions in any of the studies. Geometric mean live tick counts were significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the selamectin/sarolaner-treated groups compared to the geometric mean tick counts in the placebo-treated groups at all time-points in all studies. For all species, a single topical administration of the selamectin/sarolaner combination resulted in>90% efficacy against existing infestations based on geometric means. Efficacy against weekly re-infestations was >90% based on geometric means for at least 5 weeks for I. scapularis and D. variabilis, and for at least 4 weeks against A. maculatum. Selamectin alone had no efficacy against I. scapularis, where counts on selamectin-treated cats were not significantly different from placebo at all time points (P > 0.05), and for D. variabilis, counts were not significantly different from placebo at 2, 3 and 5 weeks after treatment (P > 0.05) and efficacy was never greater than 85%. Thus, the activity of the sarolaner against three common tick species found on cats in the US is complementary to the existing broad-spectrum parasite control of selamectin. The inclusion of sarolaner with selamectin in a combination product (Revolution® Plus/Stronghold® Plus) provides for the treatment of existing tick infestations and gives at least one month of control against re-infestation following a single topical application.
Keywords: Amblyomma maculatum; Cat; Dermacentor variabilis; Dose confirmation; Isoxazoline; Ixodes scapularis; Non-interference; Sarolaner; Selamectin; Tick; Topical.
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