Violent traumatic injury remains a common condition treated by emergency physicians. The medical management of these patients is well described and remains an area of focus for providers. However, violently injured patients disproportionately carry a history of physical and psychological trauma that frequently affects clinical care in the emergency department. The alteration of our clinical approach, taking into consideration how a patient's previous experiences influence how he or she may perceive and react to medical care, is a concept referred to as trauma-informed care. This approach is based on 4 pillars: knowledge of the effect of trauma, recognition of the signs and symptoms of trauma, avoidance of retraumatization, and the development of appropriate policies and procedures. Using this framework, we provide practical considerations for emergency physicians in the delivery of trauma-informed care for violently injured patients.
Copyright © 2018 American College of Emergency Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.