Chronic pain affects 1.7 million children in the United States, and its effects often linger into adulthood. Unfortunately, chronic pediatric pain is often undertreated. The current case report discusses the use of pain neuroscience education (PNE) combined with progressive exposure to activity to treat persistent pain in a 13-year-old female diagnosed with central sensitization syndrome. Prior to the diagnosis, the patient underwent two unsuccessful episodes of physical therapy that focused on musculoskeletal sources of pain. The patient was then referred to a physical therapist specializing in pain management. Following a detailed evaluation, PNE and graded exposure were used over a 4-week period to address the patient's condition and her behavioral responses to it. Significant decreases were observed in lowest (67%) and usual (50%) pain ratings and the portion of the day her worst pain was felt (67%), while the portion of the day with bearable pain (80%). Significant improvements in her ability to dance (168%), hike (50%), and run (200%) were observed. Reconceptualizing pain and its meaning changed perceptions and behaviors, allowing improvement when other approaches failed. Although effective for this patient, more research is needed into the use of this approach in the treatment of chronic pediatric pain.
Keywords: Pain neuroscience education; central sensitization; graded exposure; outcome measures; pediatric chronic pain; physical therapy.